Home made Sub-way like Sandwiches

Dear Readers,

It has indeed been a very long time since my last post. Various things like repainting the house, detailed travel planning for others and caring for the sick in the household have kept me on my toes and away from experiments in the kitchen.

This recipe materialized today out of an urge to have some healthy subway sandwiches without taking the pains of driving to their nearest outlet.

Ofcourse, the sandwich ingredients were made out of whatever was available in the kitchen + addition of avocado guacamole to make it as healthy as possible. The idea was to use potato patties which can easily be substituted with corn cheese patties as per the recipe here: corn-cheese patties or grilled chicken or any other filling of your choice. There were some potato smileys and potato windows in the freezer so i just fried them as a substitute for home made patties (not so healthy after all......hehehe)

So, here are the ingredients:

1. Bread slices or ideally long buns
  (the benefit of a thick long bun is that the sauces and veggies loaded in the bread won't make it go soggy - there were only a few slices of plain loaf bread at home today)

2. Cheese slices - 1 or 1/2 a slice for each sandwich

3. Sliced roundels of tomatoes and cucumbers 
(you might want to add lettuce, capsicum, raw onions, olives, jalapaneos, bread n butter pickles, etc.)

4. Potato patties / any other substitute as explained above

5. Various sauces (Stars of this recipe)

A. Mayonnaise
Egg based Mayonnaise as given here:  Egg Mayo
Eggless Mayonnaise as given here: Eggless Mayo
I made an egg based mayo - so yolks were used up and the egg whites were turned into an omlette to be used up in the sandwich stuffing.

B. Southwest Sauce (inspired from the website topsecretrecipes)
Take some of the prepared mayonnaise and add a bit of tomato ketchup, pinch of red chilli powder, cumin powder and a pinch of garlic powder 
(purposely did not add the rest of the ingredients given on website as i found them to be a repetition) 

C. Sweet Onion Sauce (inspired from the website topsecretrecipes)
Sugar water (1 cup sugar+1/4th cup water - boiled together till it thickens)
1 minced onion
2 tsps white vinegar
1 tsp balsamic vinegar (skip if not available)
1 tsp white sugar
1 tsp plain buttermilk
1/4 tsp lemon juice
pinches of salt, pepper and garlic powder
All the above ingredients microwaved for 1 minute on high and then whisked in a blender.

D. Avocado Guacamole
Scooped avocado pulped
Chopped onions, tomatoes and cilantro (corriander leaves)
Lemon juice, Salt and Pepper

 scooped and pulped avocado


Preparing all the sauces took approximately 20 minutes. Honey was purposely not used in place of corn syrup while making the sweet onion sauce because as per Ayurveda, honey changes it's composition on being heated - but you can skip the microwaving bit and use some honey directly (why did that not strike me earlier !!)

Next steps are simple and straightforward as you might have guessed already. Toast the bread slices / long buns cut into half subway style. If you like, toast them with cheese on them so it melts onto them a bit. A tip, if using plain slices of bread is to later butter them a little to avoid making them soggy. Organise the sauces and fillings and layer the bread slices with your favourite combinations and enjoy. I also served some pieces of boiled sweet potato as a side.

Do leave your comments and keep visiting receipesnmore.blogspot.in for receipes and more....


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